Canadian Beer League - Rules
1. All players must wear full hockey equipment including CSA-approved helmet and full face mask or visor. We recommend a full cage because visors don’t always prevent pokes to your peepers and you can still take a puck to the kisser and y’all don’t want that.
2. Penalties will be called. Penalties will be 2 minutes in length including runtime. Mouthing off to the ref will result in more minutes being added at their discretion. For real. It’s like when your parents threatened you with more days of being grounded because you were complaining about it. Please just sit in the box when you’re told and remember if you feel like the ref is picking on you it’s probably because you’ve got it coming and you should look inward for answers. The clock for 2 minute runtime penalties will begin when the puck is dropped to resume play following the penalty being issued.
3. A warning for the first slap shot, 2 minute penalty for a repeat offender. A slap shot is considered a shot with a wind up where the blade goes above the shooter’s waist.
3. There is a 3-goal limit per game for each player. Any additional goals scored by this player will not count, so once you’ve rocked a hatty start bobbing for apples!
4. Any player receiving 3 penalties in a single game will be ejected from the game. That’s not the kind of hat trick you want.
5. During playoffs, a 3-round shootout will determine the winner in the event a game is tied after regulation. The same player cannot shoot more than once unless the whole roster has been gone through already without a final result.
6. Only registered participants of the league are permitted to play. Non-registered participants cannot play and will be asked to leave. If there are subs, they’ve been vetted by the league and we know they’re coming. Please let us know if you’re experiencing stranger danger.
7. There is zero-tolerance towards mistreatment of our referees and timekeepers. BE NICE TO THEM. They are human beings who sometimes miss stuff or think they see things happen that didn’t actually happen. They’re not trying to screw you over. We do our best to find good people for the roles. If you really feel like they’re not doing a good job, please bring it to our attention through an email or call us to explain like a grown-up. We reserve the right to expel people from our league if we feel they don’t display the sportsmanship and respect we expect from everyone who’s part of our organization.
8. Be mindful of shift length. Shifts should be no more than 1-2 minutes. Everyone paid the same amount to be there and should be playing the same amount of hockey as you are.
9. Under the assumption that we’re provided with 60 minutes of ice time per booking, the ice allocation will be as follows:
10 minutes for ice resurfacing
3 minutes for warmup
22 minute period of play (runtime)
1 minute break between periods
20 minute period of play (runtime)
If the score is tied or within 1 goal with 2 or fewer minutes remaining in the game, the clock will run on stop time instead of runtime.
10. No jerks allowed! Fighting or intent to injure a fellow Beer Leaguer will result in an automatic removal from the league. And you’ll get booed off the ice. Any conduct that is deemed to be disrespectful and unbecoming of a proper Beer Leaguer can result in ejection at the discretion of the league. This is your warning. Don’t be a jerk.
11. Have fun! Hockey is awesome and you’re awesome and your teammates are awesome and your opponents are awesome and the refs are awesome and the timekeepers are awesome and the rink staff are awesome and we’re pretty alright.