Beer League Goalie Practice is dedicated to helping goalies learn and improve their game. This environment is just for the keepers.

Join a small group of fellow Beer League goalies as you’re brought through a series of drills and skill development exercises that will help you stop more pucks and have more fun playing in net. A team of goalie coaches and dedicated shooters are there to build your confidence no matter how much or how little experience you have.

Additional nets are brought out onto the ice, and the small classes are split into even smaller groups who’ll work with coaches and shooters on movement, strategy, technique, positioning, and other important elements that will earn you many future stick taps from the bench by your teammates after big saves in big moments.

Beginners are welcome to join our supportive, fun, and friendly environment where everyone checks their egos at the door and works on building their skills, confidence, and new friendships playing the coolest position in the best game in the world.

Beer League Goalie Practice is currently available for registration in London, Ontario.